Packing for the carry-on

Multiple trips and 11 countries later I’ve got my packing grind. Some people cringe when I say I prefer traveling with a carry-on. Here’s why I love it.

1. It’s not getting lost.

A giant benefit of carry-on baggage is you have full control of it getting on and off every flight. You have access to anything you might want inside it- as long as you aren’t that jerk dropping everything on other people’s heads.

2. You don’t have to wait at the baggage claim.

Major time and stress saver here. You can walk right off your plane, breeze through customs, and grab a bus or walk to your next destination. Sure you still have to wait to file off the plane, but then you’re free!

3. You aren’t tied down.

You can hitch hike or live in a car/tent/hostel/castle. You and your stuff are ready to roll with multiple scenarios. It’s convenient to bus and you don’t take up a massive amount of space while traveling between beds.

4. No excessive fluff.

Now I’ve still managed to fit: multiple books, snorkel mask and flippers, horseback riding gear, and soccer cleats on various trips. So don’t think there isn’t room for fun. However, having a limited amount of space helps you get clear on what STUFF is actually important to you and for you.

So when I sit down to actually pack there are a few things I want on every trip.

-socks (always more than I think.)

-reusable bag (heaven sent in more than one situation.)

-journal and pen (absolute requirement for me, although I’ve bought them during trips as well.)

-reusable water bottle (always helpful. Even in countries where the water is commonly potable.)

-travel lock (even when I’m not planning to hostel hop these come in handy.)

-multi use scarf (it’s a dress, it’s a head cover, it’s a scarf, it’s a towel. You name it.)

Otherwise it’s clothing that can be combined in any possible combination and layered for any situation. A light beanie can do wonders. Same with a light coat, under armor, and pants that unzip into shorts. Sometimes I feel the need to pack sunglasses and chapstick. A photocopy or important documents. Usually I never bother with soap, shampoo, towels and the lot until I’m actually someplace and I can get a normal size. I almost always pack a swimsuit. Usually I wear one pair of boots and pack one pair of tennis shoes. I’ve usually brought a photo or two of pets and family for sentimental value and sharing. I’ve brought along gopros and nice cameras- but I don’t end up using them a significant amount of time and have to make sure they’re secure. Happy packing!

Welcome to my head

IMG_3487.JPGAsk anyone that’s ever known me, I don’t do big choices well. It becomes abundantly clear why a recurring theme in my life is people telling me to relax. My stress levels rise when I hear RELAX because-

a) I already known how uptight I feel

b) I’m perfectly aware that you know

c) It creates more anxiety that there is a right or wrong way to be

d) I want to be relaxed!

I am naturally a very relaxed person. When I am most myself I have a very go with the flow spontaneous personality. If/when my fight, flight, or freeze response is triggered I am reminded of my-

  1. Fear that I’m not perfect
  2. Need to fix everything for everyone
  3. Concept that there is the right or BEST choice
  4. Idea that everyone I love leaves me

I tend to freeze. I get very overwhelmed and I shut down. Ironically enough, if it’s an emergency I am your gal. Cool headed, efficient, and on the ball.  BUT. If I am personally having a crisis I become a  very fragile child. I’ve had people push me while I was in this state and it’s created an even deeper fear of being hurt and a larger wall. What I’ve found is an overwhelming amount of patience and love is required. I’m learning to give that to myself.

The walls that I built to survive at home when I was growing-up existed for very good reason. They were valid and protected me. The reality I now live in does not require these same shut-downs.  I have a huge fear of people being angry with me.I’ve managed to have several encounters with manipulative personalities. I have had a plate thrown at me. I have had many ugly words thrown at me. I was told I had to be perfect.  I was told I had to be the responsible one, the together one. I needed to be amazing and anything less was unacceptable. I had to grow up extremely fast and I became a protector. I stepped between my parents and I stepped between my parents and my siblings. A shield. I absorbed- a hard task for a very sensitive person. In order to handle all of these extremes I learned to put up a wall. This wall sometimes makes me seem emotionless. I’m afraid of my own anger. I know I’m terrifying when it gets to the point where I ACTUALLY am angry. When I became a protector I became a sponge. Highly attuned to human emotion. Everything felt personal and yet I stuffed down my own feelings of sadness and anger for the better of everyone else.  I can’t stand to see other people in pain. It worked like a bottle. Everyone else came before me. I was a comforter. I’d go above and beyond for my friends. I’d thrown myself down in any way to put every.single. other. person. first. I will rip to pieces exactly what someone meant by something they said or did. Trust me. I’ve already thought of every single option.

Three months ago I took the leap to travel. It’s been a dream of mine since I was very small. My life felt like it had fallen to pieces. I debated if it was really the time to travel. Was I just trying to escape? What would other people think? Was it safe? Was it stupid? My mind went on the usual loophole mode. This blog is about me and my journey. It’s about my head. It’s about the journals I took every day. I made a personal decision to blog after the fact- once I was home. I can’t wait to share!


Everyone thinks I’m crazy

You dropped out of school for this quarter? You’re dealing with depression and a broken heart, isn’t that a rash decision? You’re really traveling SOLO? You can get robbed. You’ll lose all your luggage and then what? Men will target a female traveling alone.

Lots of well meaning and loving individuals have reacted with fear since I announced my first solo international traveling plan. My own dad called me to tell me he thought it was a bad idea.

Here’s the deal. I am tired of waiting. Waiting for there to be a better time. A traveling companion. For it to be convenient. Perfect. For all the stars to align.

My soul is tired. I realized how many things I took for granted.How quickly your whole world can get turned upside down.I’m not looking for a perfect fix. I’m not disillusioned that traveling alone in a foreign country is easy. What I know is that traveling reminds me how powerful I am. Just on my own. Not trying to be or do anything. It takes me back to the basics. Food. Water. Shelter. Inspiration. Maybe just maybe I’m taking a silly gamble that the world is a beautiful and good place, but that’s something I’m willing to risk.

I joke with my friends about wearing the suggested fake wedding ring. Eloping with the ocean. Wearing sunglasses to avoid the tempting Italians, but hey since it’s November it may have to be ski goggles. How I’ll have to watch myself or I’ll fall head over heels for traveling.I am already planning future trips.